Under the Veil

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There is a certain beauty you can not miss: the one screaming at you. Take the meaning of these words literally, there is no joke or irony here. A few years ago I went to Istanbul for a rock concert and had a small amount of time left to visit the city. We (there were two of us) made the best of it, of course, and at some point, we reached a not so touristic neighborhood. It was late in the afternoon and the locals were out in the streets, buying their groceries from the markets. There were mostly couples. Women were wearing those black long traditional dresses. I had a strange feeling when I perceived all the black veil(s) filling up the streets in an instant. And then we entered a clothes store. It was like entering Aladdin’s cave! Mixed up together through the softest of fabrics, the most intense colors in the world were screaming at me – the cry of beauty demanding to be discovered … they were all dresses… so this is what these women wear underneath all that black, I thought… Oh, my god! I tried on a couple and in the end I chose the dress you see in these pictures, the most quiet of them all, if you can imagine… A souvenir of a forbidden world, which drapes around the body it envelopes from head to toe. The slightest breeze makes it emphasize the otherwise well hidden curves…
The day I wore this dress to the park was the day they brought the peacocks back to their summer shelter. They were crying. So loud, so sharp, you could hear them from the entrance, almost half a mile away. You just had to go and see what was there. And there it was again, the same thing I had previously encountered – the cry of beauty demanding to be discovered…



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Red Oranges of Andalusia
Under the Veil